Wednesday, March 10, 2021


I just realised that for the whole month of February (granted it's a short month), I neglected to write anything. This is probably because I discovered the utility of Viki, and have been watching Asian dramas pretty much non-stop. From Jan to now, I have watched 4 and a half different dramas of varying lengths: Miss Truth, Arsenal Military Academy, The Legends, Women in Shanghai (half finished - no subtitles so it requires effort on my part), and Flower of Evil. Of all of them, none took for me for as crazy a emotional ride as much as Arsenal Military Academy. So while it was enjoyable, I can do without the tumultuous feelings from watching a drama. 

Anyway today I was making Double Chocolate Mint Cookies, when I started just thinking about all the baking I've been doing the past year. For example around this time last year, I made my first batch of Chocolate Chip Cookies. Even though I love a good chocolate chip cookie, I somehow had never gotten around to making them before, instead enjoying the pre-made Pillsbury chocolate chip cookie dough. Then for E's first birthday, I made a Carrot Cake, complete with frosting. Somewhere down the line I also made a Milo Cake and a Hummingbird Cake (both with frosting), and flourless Chocolate Cake. I have made several rounds of different types of muffins, made Corn Bread and regular bread, and also Peanut Butter Blossoms. I also tried making Japanese Cheesecake, which was quite a pain because it required a bain-marie. 

Overall, it feels nice to think of all the progress that I have made in baking, even though this was never a skill that I cared much to hone before. Before meeting Jon and his family, I wasn't a huge desserts person, instead preferring sweet drinks like bubble tea or teh ping to solid sugary treats. Now I have become converted, though not quite to their ranks. Baking desserts rather than buying them is both a cost and calorie saving measure.