Wednesday, November 18, 2020

Birds and Critters

Ever since we set up the bird feeder, our house has become a bit of a hot spot for birds and critters in the neighbourhood. When we first moved in, all the squirrels looked kind of gaunt and unhealthy (even though some of my neighbours were apparently deliberately feeding them), but since the installation of the bird feeder, they now look quite filled out and healthy. We have also since gotten a chipmunk that has moved in and dug a small hole for itself in the mulch by the side of our front porch area, right next to the bird feeder. 

I've also now learned the name of a lot of common backyards birds, like the cardinal, blue jay, chickadees, mourning doves, woodpeckers, sparrows, nuthatch and titmouse, as a result of having a bird feeder and sort of getting into bird watching. Last Sat, most excitingly, we got a slightly rarer visitor, a Northern Flicker, which was poking around the backyard area. Jon managed to snap a picture before it bobbled off. 

Anyway I got motivated to write a short meandering post about this because now, we have so many fat squirrels, that when they run off the roof it sounds like a small stampede. And it has been happening increasingly often, as they are also undoubtedly fighting with each other up there on the roof leading to the sounds. As it is, I already see them fighting all the time for the prime spot right under the bird feeder, as that's where the birds toss the seeds they don't want, and squirrels aren't terribly choosy.

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