Tuesday, January 12, 2021

New Words

At 18 months and a half (I think I first noticed it on Sunday, the 10th of Jan), E has started saying, "No!" Initially I wasn't sure she was saying No, because it sounded so cutesy and with such a high inflection, but after hearing it a few times, plus coupled with her shaking her head, it is very clearly a No. Jon said she sounded like Yoshi from Mario.

Another two words I noticed from her last week were Kiwi and Grapes, incidentally both fruits that she likes and are also found in the felt fruit basket we purchased from Ikea just before Christmas. She says "Wiwi" for Kiwi, and Grapes is - for some inexplicable reason - something that sounds like "Ducks". 


These last few days, Jon and I attempted to switch E over to a floor bed from a crib. We thought she would enjoy the freedom more, especially since she likes to pull books and toys into her crib when she is inside, by reaching through the rails and grabbing anything that she can. Instead, it was an unmitigated disaster. E would throw these massive, anxiety ridden tantrums and not settle down to sleep. She would throw herself against the door and floor in her distress if we left the room, hitting her head and sustaining several small injuries like cut lips in the process. Yesterday I got an anxiety attack just dealing with her and felt like I couldn't breathe for several hours. It was, in short, an extremely unpleasant time for all involved. So last Jon proposed putting the crib back, and voila, peace was restored again into the household. I don't even know what to make of all of this, except I am relieved that it is over. 

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