Thursday, November 10, 2005

GRRRRR. I hate using e-mait, especially when I have to send it to people with strange/weird spelling e-mails like Jacqueline's one -.-

First I typed her e-mail as

It didn't send, naturally.

Then I realised the e-mail I sent out had no attachment, which was the main purpose of me sending the e-mail in the first place!

So I had to retype everyone's e-mail again (because for some reason the MSN group I created didn't turn up under 'Groups') and this time I remembered to attach the stupid document, but this time I typed Then the stupid postmaster nonsense sent yet another e-mail telling me the e-mail was invaild. This time I gave up and just forwarded the whole thing, postmaster nonsense and all to her proper e-mail (which got through).

Having enough of that nonsense, I decided to create a Group inside Hotmail inself to save myself any grief next time around. My contacts had been accumulating and stagnating for dunno how long and I got momentarily distracted trying to delete some THING's e-mail (which wouldn't delete, kept on getting a pop-up that said there was an error).

Finally giving up deleting the e-mail, I decided to move on and create a group, unfortunately it suddenly decided to recognize Guides Planning Committe and after getting yet another retarded pop up saying there was an error, I changed the name to Guides Camp Planning Committee (or something like that) and then I saw this page -.-

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In case you can't see, the first line under the MSN logo reads: Page not found.


You get the idea.

Now I have NO e-mail group, still have that THING's e-mail and I'm (a little? hahaha, right.) miffed. Stupid stupid stupid stupid stupid *$#()$*)(@*

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