Tuesday, May 21, 2024

M Words

 Funny things M says, in her toddler babble at age 2 years and 4 months:

1) Chum - means 'some', usually refers to seltzer

2) Mote - means 'remote', i.e.: the TV

3) Marshall - means 'paw patrol', which she loves to watch - all of the paw patrol members are called Marshall

4) Yok - means 'look', which she usually says when she wants us to see something

5) Oh-kay - she says this in a very resigned tone of voice, usually when we are telling her to stop doing something

6) Juju - means 'pacifier', which she is STILL addicted to, gosh


For the longest time, M referred to colours as "Mommy", "Daddy", "Baby", etc. I thought she was being slow/daft, but it took us a while before I figured out that she was saying that because she associated colours with the Baby Shark song. Mommy Shark is pink, Daddy shark is blue, and Baby shark is yellow. Now after a momth+ after we figured that out and constant teaching, she is able to say colors mostly accurately. The one that trips her up is blue and green. Generally I think compared to E, she doesn't speak as much, mainly because she doesn't care to. 

Her favourite word for the last few months is, "No". When she is particularly agitated, like after I deliberately annoy her (which is very easy to do), she gets upset and yells, "No no no no!!!" and shakes her head violently. I don't remember when she started doing this, but she was already doing it when we visited Singapore in Dec 2023, so it's been a while.

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