Monday, March 15, 2010


During today's History presentation on the success of the British Navy during the Seven Years War, a classmate said "giant penis from North America" instead of "giant pine from North America". A previously mentioned McDreamy with the blonde hair and blues eyes and I were the only ones who caught it and laughed as silently (and childishly) as possible. But he has ugly nails that need to be cut, a habit of appearing for lectures and classes late in the midst of a situation where it is impossible to know thy fellow classmate.

In other news, I seem to STILL be wildly attractive to weird, silent guys who like to stare at me. Those that want you, you don't want - those that you want, don't want you. And thus life goes on in a neverending merry-go-shitpile-round.

I miss my laptop.

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