Tuesday, December 08, 2020

Late Fall Planting

Call me crazy, but I have just come back in from finally planting some daffodils, tulips, and crocus bulbs, and its early December. I remember reading somewhere that someone still got away with planting spring bulbs right around Thanksgiving, which was a week and a half ago, so maybe I'll get lucky. I was motivated partially by the fact that the weather today was nice, and that the weather the next two days will be a high of 17 degrees celcius. That and if I didn't plant at least some of the bulbs I had bought earlier before, I would regret missing out. Hopefully its still not too late, and that the squirrels will not eat the bulbs that I just planted. 

Months ago I embarked on a gardening and plant rampage. Almost every week I went and acquired new plants. I spent so much time out in the sun that I got noticeably darker, a shade I probably haven't been since I was a school kid back in Singapore. Since then I've injured and strained various body parts, covered our spare room with plants, and introduced fungus gnats to the interior our home. I came down from my obsession early last month, after my right arm was just in so much discomfort that I was having trouble sleeping at night, and I started struggling to take care of the many indoor plants I had purchased. This also coincided with leaf blowing and raking season, which not only tired me out but also really did a number on my right arm.

Today, my right arm finally feels 99% back to normal (hence doing some gardening today, even though I felt really lazy). Some of my indoor plants have been moved out of the spare room to the main living area, where I can keep a better eye on them. I have decided that I actually love pothos plants one of the most, and that they are thankfully very hardy. The calathea white fusion that I was obsessed with, has now since died and terrible shriveled death, the first of my indoor plants to perish, though it was quite a high maintenance plant to begin with. Oh well, I don't think I will get another one.

Anyway, I think I have finally hit a normal, more manageable equilibrium about plants. 

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