Monday, August 22, 2022


About two weeks ago, we finally got striken with Covid-19. I had been sick a few days before (starting Tuesday), and tested negative on Wednesday. Regardless of my status, I started to feel ill on Wednesday and Thursday, and was starting to feel sort of better by Saturday. Sunday however, Jon woke up feeling ill and we tested ourselves + the girls, and boom, the tests were all positive. I was still feeling OK however, and wondered if my earlier bout was Covid-19 and I just hadn't known. I thought maybe the worst was over, and I was patient zero and had unknowingly spread it to my poor family. 

Then Monday came around, and by late morning I was rapidly feeling terrible. By early afternoon, I wanted to go to the hospital because I felt so weak and in so much pain and discomfort from stomach issues, and I was throwing up repeatedly. Adding to my stress was that the girls were sick, and E was running high (or at least what felt to me like high) fevers at night, and I still had to take care of M as she woke up repeatedly screaming in the middle of the night. Finally on Wednesday mid-morning, I started to feel somewhat human again, and no longer dreaded being conscious and awake. Thursday, I think I brought the kids out for a short walk around the neighbourhood, and felt utterly drained afterwards. All I can say is, the experience sucked, and I am so very thankful that my Dad was with us the whole time AND had already gotten Covid-19 recently, and so he escaped getting infected this time and was able to help with the children, chores, and making food. 

Since then, my Dad and I (with the girls), visited Aunty WY and Uncle George in the D.C. area. We went from last week Tuesday to Saturday, and it was nice seeing them again after a few years. Lauren and Alex also swung by for dinner one night. It was a nice short trip, though I really did not enjoy having to share a room with M at night (as if taking care of her and her constant wakeups wasn't painful enough).

Today, E started her first day of Preschool. I wasn't able to get the cute photos and dress her up nicely because I had a migraine that started yesterday in the early evening, and E also woke up late because she had a stomachache in the wee hours (cue: blood curling screaming at 5am). So she went to school late, while I staggered around disoriented after a shitty night. 

Anyway after E and I got home from the park (her request before she went to school), we saw one of neighbours, Cathy, fixing her fence and coughing away. E saw this and said, "Oh! She has Covid". And I just burst out laughing.

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