Wednesday, January 25, 2023

Cookie Baking and Breaking


Today out of the blue, Jon texted about how the nurses at the place he was rotating at were asking about cookies. Since I was planning the stay in today anyway, because it was a snow day (a failed winter storm that just became winter weather, boo), I decided to oblige and bake cookies. This time, I decided I'd break up the mixing of the dough into two batches, hoping it would result in a more even chocolate chip distribution in the dough. I felt very clever and thought this would prevent frustration on my end. In the end that strategy worked, but somehow during the process I managed to break two things. First, I somehow broke the plastic tupperware holding the sugar when I tried to use it as a scoop to get the sugar out of the sack - too much force? The second was when I was trying to use a plastic Chinese soup spoon to scoop portions of dough out of the mixing bowl. The handle snapped off, startling me. I continued to use it, but the broken end did feel a little sharp. When I was done, I tossed both broken items.

Anyway, at least the cookies turned out perfect. It's always hard figuring the timing out, because my oven seems to be less warm than the purported temperature, and I prefer cookies on the crunchier side. This time, with about 15 mins at 375 Fahrenheit, the cookies turned out crunchy on the outside and soft on the inside. Hooray!

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