Wednesday, September 11, 2024


 Last week I bought a second hand bicycle off FB marketplace. It was my 2nd attempt at buying a bicycle - the first one at 26" wheel size was too big for me to stand comfortably - and I had hoped this one would work out. E was with me at the time, because her school hadn't started yet, so when I was trying it outside, she of course wanted to join in on her own little bicycle. 

I don't know when the last time I cycled was, but it was at least 10 years ago. I don't recall ever having cycled in the US, and the 2 years preceding that I was busy working and don't think I managed to cycle with my Dad at East Coast Park on a rented bicycle (although I have fond memories of those sort of outings). I was not a good cyclist 10 years ago, and now 20 to 30 lbs heavier and with messed up hips (thanks pregnancy!), getting on a bicycle again was very stressful because 1) I didn't want to fall (of course), 2) Falling now would suck a lot more than falling 10 years ago, 3) I had a little child following me around and unable to actually properly cycle on her own.

So after going up and down the road a little but last week, and managing to figure out how to brake properly, not fall off, and change the gears, I put the bicycle away in favour of being Mum and helping E cycle somewhat. We ended up meeting the neighbours and their kids, and the oldest boy ended up helping E the most while I chatted with Grandma who was watching them outside. 

Anyway this week, E has finally started Kindergarten, and so she is off at school. M is at her day care on Tues, Weds, and Thurs. So last night, while trying to sleep, I suddenly got the idea that I could cycle to the town library (since it's all small residential roads) to pick up a book that I had requested. My aim was just to be familiar with cycling, and if I couldn't make it to the library/make it back, I'd just walk home and drive to retrieve the bicycle. 

I ended up taking about maybe 10 minutes to cycle to the library. It was a very nerve wracking 10 minutes, because I also never noticed before how the path there is ever-so-slightly downhill. My tailbone also ached like hell. Once I got to the library I was just so relieved, and I ended up taking a break there to read for a bit before setting off for home. While almost halfway back, I saw one of the other Moms from E's class, and doubled back a little to say Hi. This Mom told me about another path that goes around the North end of the lake (the road and route I took is to the South of the lake), and so after saying Bye, I went to explore a little bit. Well, I found the path after asking for directions, and am happy I found it. Then I cycled back, and it was such a pain because I was going ever-so-slightly uphill and my muscles are very out of shape. 

Overall I am happy I managed to go on this little excursion/exercise and sustain no injuries.

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