Friday, March 11, 2011


Today at Subway the sub of the day was Tuna Mayo. Now I ordinarily like Tuna Mayo, but it had the tendency to make one's breath incredibly stinky, and therefore I do not like to eat it in public. Instead I opted for Chicken Tikka (sub of the day for Monday), but the poor stressed Subway Man dumped one scoop full of Tuna Mayo onto my bread before I could say Chicken Tikka! Chicken Tikka! Instead, he apologised, and then put the Chicken Tikka on to of the Tuna Mayo. I wish I could comment and say that it was a weird combination, but I ended up not tasting any Tuna Mayo at all (which makes the Tuna Mayo rather suspect in terms of taste).

In other news, today my Korean GTA who cannot pronounce "L" and instead replaces it with an "R" sound, repeated the world Election multiple times because we were studying the Japanese Liberal Democratic Party in class. For some reason, I was the only person who apparently found this funny. Also when a classmate, Chet as he is known, attempted to say "LDP" he went "LG" (as in LGBT, for we just had student union elections where that particular acronym was shouted about often) before correcting himself. It was a very accidentally sexually charged class. If you call juvenile mispronunciations and brain farts sexually charged that is.

In other, other news, I have a headache of the same sort that has been recurring everyday nowadays for the past few days. I also cannot think of any other versions with the word "day", except for weekday and Doris Day.

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