Monday, November 04, 2019

Missouri Fall

It has been a week since my Dad has left for Singapore. Since then, I have driven for the first time in my own, which has been incredibly stressful. I have also taken over planning and cooking all our meals, which is a lot more added work, in addition to taking care of the baby. I am very glad however, that my Mum chose to stay behind for another month to help Jon and me with the baby. I am sure we would have managed without her, but it would have been infinitely more stressful than it already is. I am very thankful.

This weekend, the weather was good, so Jon, my Mum, Baby, and I went to the Soulard Farmer's Market, Cherokee Antique Row, Forest Park, church, and finally the Missouri Botanical Gardens. It was a nice Fall weekend, and there were plenty of pretty red and yellow leaves all around, so we tried to make the most of the good weather. As a result, we are all tired out from the weekend. So today, my Mum and I elected to stay in to get some chores done. So far I have:
1) Made Applesauce, which baby hated
2) Cleaned the bathroom

Remaining chores:
1) Make Pumpkin Soup, from the pumpkin we got from Eckert's Farm last week
2) Make dinner of scallops, asparagus, and potatoes
3) Laundry
4) Sort through old, ill-fitting clothes

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