Monday, November 02, 2020

Elections 2020

The American Presidential Elections are tomorrow, and it feels like I'm waiting for a hammer to fall. And I am sure that I am not alone in thinking about tomorrow with great trepidation. I don't think I can ever run for politics feeling the way I do, thinking and worry about election days with such dread, feeling such a deep sinking pit in one's chest and stomach. 

I'm not sure what the international news media has been reporting, but I've been getting a lot of worried texts from family about possible violence on and during election day. So, even though I went to Aldi last week Thursday to get groceries, and have enough for the next day or two, I will go again later today to stock up. (I usually wait as long as I can, because it seems whole milk tends to expire somewhat quickly).

Between COVID and this very belligerent round of elections (AHEM, looking at all of the fanatic supporters of a certain orange-dyed rotund man), 2020 has constantly felt like one living in the US has been under siege, with no end in sight. What a world we live in.

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