Friday, November 13, 2020

Life as a SAHM

Do you ever feel like there are so many small things that you could do to make your life better? Less frustrated, less annoyed? But that you are just too damn tired to even make the effort to do them. Like put away the silly pair of PJs you bought your toddler, that have been lying on the floor of the kitchen since you bought them a few days ago; because the thought of bending down to pick them off the floor, cut the tags off, and put them in with the rest of the laundry sounds like too much work to deal with right at this moment?

Well my life feels like this for a lot of the time nowadays. I am just bone tired most of the time. Though at least I finally did move and sort out that aforementioned set of PJs, which I bought on a lark at TJ Maxx the other day. It features Peanuts, the comic. I bought 24m size, but on reflection E will probably be swimming in it, oh well.

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