Friday, January 01, 2021


2021 is finally here, and hopefully it will be a better one than 2020. That being said, it's hard to imagine life going anywhere near back to 'normal' for at least the next few months (realistically late 2021/early 2022) until vaccines are fully rolled out + the very virulent and contagious strain of COVID-19 is contained. I realised yesterday, after a very stressful and emotionally trying day with E, that it has been at least a full year where Jon and I got no outside help with E. Now that she is just past 18 months, she is turning into a full fledged toddler, complete with endless toddler meltdowns and tantrums, and it is very wearing on me despite my best efforts to ignore her.

Anyway today I just want to do a brief tally of the words in her vocabulary, just for memento's sake (and to attempt to focus on the positives):

1. Dada
2. Mama
3. Lolo (Tagalog for Grandpa)
4. Ball
5. Bubble
6. Nana (Banana)
7. Uh-oh
8. Wow
9. Hi
10. Bye
11. Doggy
12. Da Gun (Saffron? Or any animal, e.g. squirrel, bird)

She understands a lot of different words too, like No, Book, Milk, Nap, and so on, but hasn't attempted to say them yet. One time she did say Gong Gong when we were talking to my Dad and she repeated after me, but I haven't heard her say it since. It is interesting to see her language acquisition, and how fast she picks up some words like 'Bubble' which she started saying during a bubble bath this week, and was the first time I had said 'Bubble' and given her a bubble bath in a while. 

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