Tuesday, January 26, 2021


Yesterday, on a very wet and chilly day, E learned how to identify and say the name of her first character: Elmo. Usually we don't watch a lot of videos, save for random generic videos of fruits dancing to music, but yesterday was a particularly claustrophobic like day where we didn't leave the confines of the house at all, and so I needed ways to keep E entertained. Enter Sesame Street videos on Youtube. E soon learned how to identify and say, "Elmo", and also learned to identify and say "Fish" (Elmo has a pet goldfish called Dorothy).

We did finger painting for the first time yesterday too, which kept her attention for a grand total of maybe 15 minutes (if I am being optimistic). The post-finger paints bath probably took up more time than the finger painting itself, but whatever works to keep a toddler busy.

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