Tuesday, June 08, 2021


About a week and a half ago, Jon and I brought E to the library. It was our first time going, since the COVID pandemic started. Since COVID, I've been borrowing e-books from the library, and while it is convenient, it's definitely not the same as being able to browse and look at all sorts of different titles in person. E loved the library, and went wild running through the stacks and seeing all the books. She somehow knew that this was different from a book store, that she could grab any book she wanted and that we wouldn't really stop her (unless it was age inappropriate).

Anyway I borrowed 3 books:

1) Crooked Heart by Lissa Evans

2) The Awkward Squad by Sophie Henaff

3) The Book of Hidden Things by Francesco Dimitri

I finished Crooked Heart yesterday night, and it was quite a pleasant and enjoyable read. It definitely reminded me of Goodnight Mr Tom, which I had to read when I was in Secondary 1. It's weird looking back, how we were introduced to such aspects of British history randomly in school without given much extra background (if I recall accurately), specifically in this instance the children evacuees from London being sent to the countryside. Anyway, my enjoyment of the book was bolstered by recalling the places mentioned in the book, felt like I was almost back in London again. 

Tomorrow we leave for a short 3 day 2 night stay at the Lake of the Ozarks. It's our first real vacation as a family. While exciting and long-longed for, I'm apprehensive as to how E will behave and sleep (we'll be all sharing a room, of course), and how I will feel given that I am now riding the wave(s) of morning sickness (not really morning, but more like all-day-but-worse-at-night sickness). I'll be bringing The Book of Hidden Things along to read.

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