Tuesday, May 18, 2021

Computer Games

Since February this year, I've barely read any books. This has mainly because my drama watching and video game playing has taken a sharp uptick. Since February, I've played Hades, Two Point Hospital (and assorted DLCs), and am currently on West of Loathing. As for dramas, I'm not even sure how many I've watched except that I am on the Story of Yanxi Palace now, and am about 1/3 of the way through its 70 episodes. 

Anyway even though today I was feeling lazy, I forced myself to go out and do some simple yard work since the temperature was mild, and the skies cloudy. I spent about an hour outside and dumped and spread 9 bags of mulch, and arranged all the stones from 1 bag of rocks around a flower bed. I could have done more vigorous work, like plant any of the 4 hosta plants that we purchased from Home Depot over the weekend, but in the end just felt too much inertia. 

Despite my laziness, I guess today was a productive day, now that I think about it. In the morning we went for a playdate at Catie's, then we did grocery shopping at Aldi. After we got back from Aldi, E and I ran into 2 neighbours who were out walking their dogs, and we chatted for a while. Then we came back inside and I immediately started preparing White Bean Chili for our dinner tonight. After I was done, I put E down for a nap, and played some West of Loathing as I drank my customary afternoon Earl Grey tea. Then I went outside to do yard work, which brings me to the present, having just come in from the outside - chased in by fat droplets of rain.

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