Friday, December 31, 2021

2021 in Retrospect

I was texting my Mum earlier this night when she mentioned that this last year was an pretty uneventful and boring one for her, apart from my Yeh Yeh getting severely injured and semi-paralysed in an accident. Unlike her 2021 however, mine has had quite a few significant events/milestones. Off the top of my head, these are:-

1. Getting pregnant for the 2nd time, and dealing with the terrible 1st trimester and not-very-good first half of a 3rd trimester (currently 36 weeks pregnant)

2. E attending school for the first time

3. E becoming verbal and becoming a veritable chatterbox

4. Saffron passing away

5. Learning how to crochet (currently working on my 2nd blanket project right now)

Overall it has felt like a year of many changes. A friend moved away to Texas, and I lost touch with another one after she had her 2nd kid - and these were people that played a significant part of my day-to-day life for almost a year. I also re-did the garden in the back area of our house, where the bush honeysuckle used to grow wild, plus did other gardening projects around our property, like the area under the stop sign. Jon and I also planted 2 more trees, a redbud and a serviceberry, bring the total number of trees on our property to 14 (I think, at least this is the number I recall when I last counted).

As the year closes, I am thankful that my pregnancy has been able to progress thus far, and that we have my in-laws visiting with us. They flew in late on the 21st Dec, and have been an immense help. Covid-19 has meant that we haven't physically been able to be with any family for almost 2 years, which was tough especially when I was very sick in the first trimester. Watching E being able to interact with one set of her grandparents makes me very happy. At the same time, it's also very reassuring to have them around to watch E when I need to deliver kiddo #2. Although I am currently in pain and discomfort every day lately, I am generally pretty happy and appreciative of my current lot in life. I am however, feeling apprehensive at what challenges 2022 will bring, especially with how Covid-19 might still hang like a spectre over daily life.

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