Wednesday, July 22, 2009

I think I'm allergic to the cat

Today I visited NYC for the first time since more than 10 years ago when I last came to USA (actually not true, I came to the USA again when I was 12 but we were way up North-West in Seattle). My cousin, Katie, the girl staying with us, and I took the train from Princeton up to Penn Station. Overall it was a pretty enjoyable experience and I thought "I wouldn't mind studying here" to myself a few times. Post-grad maybe.

The entire atmosphere of the place reminded me of Osaka, but less crowded and probably 10x more dodgy even with all the maid cafes and hentai stores added in. I liked it. What I didn't like however was that I noticed there were lots of stores, stores in every block in fact, but they were all the same F21s, H&Ms, Zaras, etc. So yeah, there are a lot of shops in NYC but THEY'RE ALL THE SAME. How absurd is that? Lots of Starbucks too.

Anyway we also went to catch the matinee slot of 9 to 5, based on the movie. It was quite amusing and I laughed a lot. The ending bit where the characters narrated what happened to them was quite wtf too, with the unpopular boss who got banished to Bolivia being "captured alive by natives and never seen again". There was also a really cute actor (oho!) called Andy Karl playing the role as Joe, the accountant. I also thought one of the ensemble actors named Paul Castree looked cute in his photo in the Playbill.

On another note, I thinking being around Mong and his movie directing is adversely affecting my ability to be immersed in movies. Nowadays when I see movies (and this happeend during the Musical today too) I kept thinking about filming angles, cut scenes, blue screens and so on so forth. Except today it was more geared towards prop movements and what not. (On yet another note, I was impressed by how the ladies could dance so well today in their high heels and not slip).

Tomorrow it's back to NYC again for a visit to Columbia. It'll be another long day, but hopefully an equally enjoyable one.

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