Wednesday, April 27, 2011

I carry it in my heart

Today as I walked home for good, from Shu's place since Zoe came back, I teared up as I passed the Barclay's bike stand right outside the lobby. I longed to see the abnormally large, looming and comforting figure waiting there patiently for me. The body language, changing upon sight of me. Arms wide outspread. The utter look of amazement, delight and love as I walked closer into view. The person who is now forever lost, living only in the confines of my memory. My love, that still reaches its curling tendrils out only to grasp nothingness.

I once heard a friend say that the length of weeks taken to get over a love is proportional to the number of months one was with the person. I will give myself 5 and a half weeks more to mourn and to forgive myself.

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