Monday, April 01, 2013


When I was about 18, one of my favourite music albums of all time was Blonde Redhead's 23. Looking back, I still can't explain why I loved that album so much. The subsequent album, Penny Sparkle, I listened to once and then forgot about - so it wasn't quite the band that I loved, but just that one album. Listening to that album, I'd inevitably think about being 23, and sort of softly chuckle to myself because I couldn't IMAGINE being 23. Years ago when I was about 14, and still madly in love with my first love (who is ironically getting married this year!), I thought 23 was a great age to get married - something that added to my chucking too years later at 18. So anyway here I find myself, 23.

The day before I turned 23, I watched Side Effects with my Dad. We had Pepper Lunch for lunch.

On 26 March itself, I went to the gym as per normal. I met Jean for lunch at Professor Brawn Cafe, where the Poached Salmon dish was excellent. After getting to the office, Jean snuck off and suddenly reappeared next to me with a slice of cake from Bakerzin, and a few colleagues came over and sang a wee birthday song. I was touched :) Then I spent the rest of the day marking, went to teach a class, and hung around the office till about 8pm cause I had papers to clear. One colleague gave me a small kinder bueno egg, which was cute, when she found out it was birthday.

Before leaving for home, I bought 5 slices of cake. Then I went back, had dinner, had cake, and watched a few episodes of Law and Order SVU.

Wednesday was shit teaching day again. What made the day great however, was that right after I finished teaching at 9:30pm, I checked my phone and saw a text from my Dad. The text simply said that one of my friends from the UK had sent a cake over for my birthday. Incredulous, I called home immediately, and spoke to my mum who confirmed my Dad's text. I went home, practically floating on a cloud. When I saw the cake, I burst out laughing. It was a fine, well made thing, but the inscription was "one pound fish, very nice, very nice". Still I felt so touched I almost teared up.

Saturday after work I met up with Shu and Tiff for dinner at Itacho. I was mad hungry so I ordered a lot , and realised they were treating my only when it came for the time to pay :/ I felt kinda bad, so we walked over to Holland Village and I treated them to dessert from The Daily Scoop.

Was a nice birthday, all in all.

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