Sunday, October 08, 2006

Hahaha, I had no idea people still read my blog nowadays :/

Been busy with studying and so on, so less time to blog. If I'm not studying I'm probably either sleeping since I get tired easily :/

Plus I keep forgetting about what I want to blog about.

Ohh I just remembered something.

I HATE MEDIACORP KIDS SHOWS. They are seriously so shitty it blows your mind to outer space and whatnot. I was up early today because I slept early last night and the TV was turned to Kids Central, and THE MAGIC GARDEN was on. Basically it's some pseudo-drama about some kid who suddenly gains the ability to talk to plants and goes about trying to make his school win some 'Best Garden' competition. Right. So anyway he has this whole gang of badly dressed fairies and whatnot helping him.

Today's episode featured the poisoning of some mangrove and the kid stumbling upon weird ass swamp thing. And you know what el swampo was like? He spoke like gollum from LOTR and looked like a lost NS boy with his ARMY CAMOFLAGE face paint and outfit -_________-

And then there was this weird scene about this guy, some professor (you could tell because he was dressed EXACTLY like a sterotypical professor, red blow tie, suspenders, white hair + beard and glasses) who invented some 'soil tester' to see how healthy the soil was. And do you know what the soil tester was? It was a ODT, an ORAL DIGITAL THERMOMETER. My reaction was literally 'O.O WTF?!'

The acting was really bad too and all the characters were so sterotyped. Like the cutesy-pie girl sidekick had pigtails which were tied really high up.

Anyway this really looks like a rant of sorts. Happy reading, I have to get back to my GOOD GOVERNANCE essay.

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