Thursday, September 10, 2009

I wish I had a dog

According to, there are 3 people in the entire USA that have the same name as me. This is sad. I obviously need a better name. Not to mention the fact that there are tons of Melodies in Singapore for some odd reason. Maybe its better that I am leaving Singapore, before I run into someone else with the same first and last name as me.

24 hours to go, uh oh.

Yesterday I went to The Animal Resort with my kid cousin and his parents. I think I killed one of the goats, because when I tried to feed it the remnants of the hay from the plastic bag, it grabbed the entire plastic bag from me and ran away. Then it started chewing the plastic bag. I ran away because people started to gather around watching the goat chew the plastic bag. When I came back the plastic bag was no where to be seen, a reasonable explanation then follows that it can't be seen because it had already entered the digestive system of the goat. Oh dear.

We went to Sloan Court for dinner, the Oxtail Stew was very good.

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