Sunday, November 29, 2009

The Ottoman Turks

I just realised one of the assigned readings I have to do this week for HY114 is from a book I used in 2007 to do my History Internal Assessment on the Armenian Genocide. For some reason I find this incredibly odd, like a strange strange coincidence. I also remember not liking this author and thinking he was incredibly biased towards to Ottomans in their role in the genocide. I wonder how this will colour my perception of the reading.

In other news it has rained almost all day, from yesterday afternoon. It comes pitty-pattingly, then explodes in a giant stream of piss, then peters off to a light drizzle over and over again. This perhaps can explain (the constant rainfall that is) why my mood has been very temperamental over the past 24 hours. It's like I know I'm being extremely unreasonable but yet still feel that way. It's a most uncomfortable feeling indeed.

Also: school stress again.

I think I really need to unlearn a lot of things I've learned over the past few years. Like that of trying to be a perfectionist in as many things as possible (but which I fail in and then get terribly stressed and upset) and getting incredibly stressed when things don't go to plan. I think my low blood pressure has now been replaced by high blood pressure now (and not just due to greasy British Saturday Brunches).

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