Friday, October 05, 2012

J-J-Jaded: bored; dull

It's been my 3rd week at M/s L and I've already been given my own class to teach. One of the words I had to 'define' for the students today was 'Jaded', and I went 'J-J-Jaded' each time, in some sad Aerosmith reference that none of them got. Well, at least they enjoyed it when I played hangman to get to to guess 'bored' and 'dull'.

This morning was horrid. I seriously did not want to get up. My legs felt stiff and unbending, rioting against the notion of getting up. When I finally did get up to blow my nose, all manner of disgusting things came out, URGH. Essentially, I felt wretched, and it got worse when I sat at my desk. Something about the air in the office perhaps? During the multiple sojourns I made away from my desk (to buy a bun and later to buy Children's Day gifts), I felt much better, nevermind that it was in a similar air conditioned environment. Perhaps it was the air.

Somehow, I managed to survive long enough to make it to teach my first regular class. And the following class 30 minutes later. It's interesting because the students were the same age, the material the same, but the classroom dynamics were so different. My regular class tended to be a bit more quiet, but they warmed up near the end of class. The other class exploded shortly into the lesson (45 mins in?), nevermind that they never knew each other before, and would not stop talking or do their work without me going 'DO YOUR WORK' multiple times. The first class had 4 students. The second had 3 students. WTF. I guess this means I need to ask some of the senior teachers about classroom control. It must also be noted that their personalities seemed vastly different.

Part of the problem of course, was that I let them walk over me. I wanted them to talk, get to know each other, and have fun. At the same time, I guess how I behave in class also influences them, and it seems when in doubt I attempt to be entertaining and over the top. Which reminds me of how when I was younger I once told my Dad I wanted to be a comedian, cause I liked seeing people laugh. I liked making people happy. Then he (an eternal pessimist) told me how it was incredibly difficult being a comedian. Instead I seemed have to become an unintended comedian now in my new career, cause the students sure laughed a hell lot today.

Oof tired. 

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