Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Mayday, It's Payday

A fool and her money are soon parted, as so the (gender relevant in this instance) saying goes. And I, am a huge fool. For instance, just when I thought I'd done my usual round of donations on Kiva, I spotted this which piqued my curiosity. I thought it was an interesting idea so whoosh, there went another SGD36 from my pocket.

Yesterday my bank account had just 50 cents left. I had spent my last paycheck paying off all my loans from friends and my Mum, that sustained me throughout Summer in London. I have never felt so terrified of hole-in-the-walls/ATMs as much as I have been this year, from being constantly broke over Summer to broke in the awful month of October.

This month, I'm expecting a wee bit more pain to the pocket. I need/want to pay for my Dad's birthday dinner, and then there's upcoming Christmas (which I seem to be already planning for) gifts to reckon with. Whoosh money indeed.


Today I had a fantastic class. Out of the supposed 7 students that were supposed to turn up, 4 did, and 1 wasn't even on the original list. Anyway it wasn't because of the small number that class was fantastic, it was because it was a class for students who has missed the original lesson for that week - that meant I got a mishmash of people from various classes, all who didn't know each other. To clarify, that means they don't know each other, and therefore are extremely unlikely to make trouble during class. After my past experiences with doing relief teaching, I was overjoyed with this lot.

I complimented them during class multiple times and told them they were angels. Although they were quiet, they were responsive. Plus seeing their smiles meant a lot more to me, as I knew it was directly caused by something I had said or done. Teaching that class was therapeutic, and did way more for me than anything I can conceivably think of now. Lovely, lovely kids.


Last night I stayed up late reading Asa Nonami's Now You're One of Us. I started reading around 12 midnight when I went down to eat supper, and finished it at 2:45am. I could not, LITERALLY, put the book down. I found it absolutely terrifying and spine-chilling. I just had to find out what would happen in the end. When I finally finished it, I didn't even feel relief, for I just felt my whole body tense from the suspense and sheer disgust. For the 99% of people out there who will not read the book, here's the storyline: a cult-incestuous-family that uses drugs to keep daughters-in-law in. It reminded me of the Aum Shinrikyo Cult video I showed my students, on the methods the cult used to lure/keep members.

Needless to say, I was utterly exhausted today because of a lack of sleep.

Now I need to read something mild again, to relax my mind. 

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