Tuesday, November 15, 2005

And this is what it all degenerates to: from a madman to a madman.

In case you're wondering what I mean, I just started reading Mien Kampf by Adolf Hitler. The first few pages alone are enough to bring home the message: he's a madman.

Not for his views mind you, but his style of writing. It's so mind bogglingly bad (even through it's been transalated from german to english) that I have to read one paragraph over and over till I can understand it. I've barely gone past the 12th page and my mind is going nuts over his stlye of prose. Not to mention the fact that he subtly slips in his bits of political nonsense in between the already confusing lines.

Example: 'It was at this time that the first ideals* took shape in my breast. All my playing about in the open, the long walk to school, and particularly my association with 'husky' boys**, which sometimes caused my mother bitter anguish, made me the very opposite of a stay-at-home***.'

In * it mentions his 'ideals'. However the paragraph before has nothing to do with Hitler himself, instead it is writing about his father like a narrator. The sudden change of styles is most unusual, uncalled for and simply a case of a bad writer. The paragraph also does not mention what his 'ideals' are (though i'm sure we all know what HE thinks of jews). The vague reference to 'time' also does not help as the year, the date was not given and the paragraph before instead harped on a 56 year old civil sevrant buying a farm (his dad).

** is phrased in such a way that I don't understand the connection at all and the kicker is when 'husky' boys comes in. Does it refer to hairy (siberian husky dogs) boys, hungarian (though they're called 'hunky' boys or some other thing that goes up there with Nazi moon bases in 1942? (see below posts)

*** what the hell is a 'opposite of a stay-at-home'? stay at home what? stay at home education (home schooling), stay at home father/mother, stay at home monkey, stay at home what? And what's the opposite of a stay at home (example:) mother? A stay at home father? Huh?!?!?!

And that's just the beginning man. Mein Kampf on Mel's part for trying to read Mein Kampf by Adolf Hitler -.-

At least the 2nd madman is a little less tedious to read about and understand, not to mention the fact that he's played by 2 totally gorgeous men, Ralph Fiennes and Christian Coulson (: ahhhh. Can't wait to watch the HP movie!

And by the way, Mein Kampf means My Struggle in german.

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