Saturday, December 29, 2007

I went book shopping today! Borders was having 15% discount and Kinokuniya 20% discount (till the 30th December) and armed with vouchers my uncle and aunt gave me for Christmas (he actually protested and said he didn't want to get me something so nerdy) I went a-book buying :D

I was surprised to find Of Human Bondage there (Daryl told me he couldn't find it here!) and Bed by Tao Lin. I was also surprised to find Oryx and Crake missing from the shelves >:( Another nasty surprise I encountered was The Rape of Nanking being displaying prominently on the 'New Fiction Release' shelf -_____- Now I don't want to jump to conclusions here, but you know Japanese bookstore and Japanese denial of the Rape of Nanking? I feel like sending them a letter to complain, but it might be an accident (yeah right).

Anyway I bought:
Jeffery Eugenides - Middlesex
Sylvia Plath - The Bell Jar
Tao Lin - Bed

And from Borders (this was a gift from my mother, the bill was insane :/) I continued my epic quest to find more books from the Great Loves imprint by Penguin.
Sorin Kierkegaard - The Seducer's Diary
James Baldwin - Giovanni's Room
John Updike - The Women Who Got Away

(This all seems very materialistic, I actually felt happy going around look for the books and holding them in my hands. And goodness I have not felt that happy in a while. I live my life through buying books.)

D.H Lawrence - The Virgin And The Gypsy
F. Scott Fitzgerald - Magnetism
Anton Chekov - A Russian Affair
Francoise Sagan - Bonjour Tristesse
Thomas Hardy - A Mere Interlude
William Trevor - Bodily Secrets

I'm still missing Vigil, Aberlard, Boccacio, Casanova, Stendhal, Freud and Mansfield to complete the lot. The one I really want is Freud, but I simply can't find it anywhere! The phallic symbol on the cover makes me giggle though. So fitting for the father of father fucking. As for Casanova I picked it up and it made me feel sick to the head (ugh I am such a prude?) so I put it back.

I have no idea how the hell I'm going to finish all of this...

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