Friday, May 21, 2010

I am unable to sleep again

I have been cursed with sleeplessness again. I cannot wait for my damn melatonin to finally arrive.

While I was lying in bed and thinking, amidst the muck of things I had to do and worrying about completely unnecessary things, it occurred to me that since bringing Cheam to Portobello Market last week, this week had passed by extremely fast.

I thus started to probe and attempt to remember what happened:-

Portobello Market with Cheam, met Denise and Mel there - ate shit loads of yummy food and had a lovely nutella and strawberry crepe. Met Cheam again for dinner and shared a whole chicken at Nando's. Went back to his place, watched Cool Runnings, fiddled about with Torchlight and watch some Family Guy.

Mainly spent feeling stressed and revising. Insomnia started.

Exam day, ate lunch with Christoph and went back to revise Federalism. Got burnt out.


Went to doctor's for a check up, walked down to the National Gallery and bought cheap books from a book store that had a sex shop downstairs (wondered why there were so many males interested in Anne Bronte and Charles Dickens). Went to see Delaroche's Painting History exhibit and then met Christoph for tea/dinner.

Met Dexter at Waitrose to pass him a book I bought for him, bought salad things. Cooked chicken curry for dinner, watched Ali G in Da House. I cannot remember what I did from waking up to the late afternoon.

Follow-up doctor's check up, bought KFC for lunch and went over some economic history stuff with Nadia. Came back to room half dead and started working on Voting Rights, watched the latest criminal minds episode which involved social networking sites.

Spent the day at Christoph's studying, went out to Tesco and bought food for lunch and dinner (pizza and stir fried noodles respectively). Came back, finished Post WW2 Economic Growth, and arranged to meet Dexter for lunch on Sunday. Awake and unable to sleep currently.

Saturday (hopefully)
Finish Apartheid for Economic History, go to the gym and have a nice dinner with Chen, Ching and the rest.

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