Tuesday, September 28, 2010

The First Day Back

I spent my first night back in London at Christoph's.

Never in my life has 12 hours ever felt so trying before. I've never come across so many incidents that make me want to break down, screaming and crying, in a row before. Part of it, really the largest part of it was that my new place was uninhabitable when we were first stepped in. The windows were missing locks, there was no electricity, the refrigerator was covered with mould and the bathroom taps/cistern was leaking water. Coming off a very tiring 14 hour flight (I did watch 3 movies though, on a lighthearted note: From Beijing With Love, Zwartboek and L'Arnacoeur. Zwartboek was VERY VERY GOOD.), it was immensely trying.

Then at the agent's, we find out that we need to pay off 73 pounds of previous electricity debt before we can get electricity, that the landlord who takes care of the property can only come in on Wednesday. I basically counted 6-7 very upsetting things yesterday when I recounted them to Christoph.

Then there was the nasty NatWest lady of eastern european extraction. God. Eventually it cumulated with me listening to the Neon Bible just trying to maintain a semblance of sanity. Finally towards the end of my snapping point, I managed to have a nice conversation with a Tanzanian-Indian shopkeeper around the corner of my place, WHO WAS THE KINDEST PERSON I MET ALL DAY. He told me to take it easy, hahaha.

Then in the silence of my flat (Ching was out with Hardeep and Chen at Argos), I started cleaning my windows and started screaming/crying incoherently.

I felt much better after that.

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