Tuesday, March 19, 2013


Finished reading Cloud Atlas yesterday. Although it was a enjoyable book, I spent exactly 2 weeks reading it. I think it's because I always end up reading quite little near the end of the working week, when I get oh-so-very-tired. Anyway of Cloud Atlas, not all parts struck a chord with me, although I was quite impressed by it. In particular, I liked the Sonmi and Luisa Rey parts, with Robert Frobisher and Timothy Cavendish's parts placing about 3rd and 4th place. Unpleasant however, was the middle part of the book titled Sloosha's Crossin' an' Ev'rythin' After. Didn't like that one bit. Read that part as fast as I could just so I could get to the Sonmi part afterwards :/ The Sonmi section however, almost made me cry. It made me feel incredibly sad. So that's the part I thought was the best.

Taught two classes today, both of 10 to 11 year olds. No wonder I felt so tired afterwards. Enjoyable classes though, especially the first one. I spoke to the kids about the old practice of foot binding, tried to explain the concept of dowries and why traditional families preferred having male to female children. Wonder if any of what I said actually stuck. Nevertheless, it was fun to teach.

Just finished reading the Graphic Novel version of the Sherlock Holmes tale, A Sign of Four. Graphic Novels are great for plot and atmosphere when one is very tired. Still because of their cost and relative rarity, I always end up rationing them for days when I feel like I need an extra treat. As tomorrow is Crazy Day at work, I think I need all the treats I can get now to power me through Wednesday!

Also downloaded Reversi on my phone, and can't stop playing it. I remember first discovering it when I was about 10, on a compilation of games that my parents had bought for my gameboy. I remember playing it on road trips to Ipoh. My gameboy was purple, and I had thrown an almighty tantrum to get it (I still cringe at the memory of it now). That gameboy was awesome though. The recollection of how I got it, not so much. Eep.

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