Sunday, October 30, 2005

Saw flightplan on Thursday with Jacinth, Grace and Mansheel (:

Left school a little later than planned because I had to see Miss Bong to change my CME mark (She gave me a 'D' because she thought I didn't hand in my project, everyone kept on saying that: "Melodie has no morals!") and she kept talking to everyone she met and kept on slipping between the doors of the staff room. Aaaah. Typical type I: very socialble!

We ended up taking a cab to Orchard Cineleisure and caught the 2:55PM show. Mansheel, Grace and Jacinth ordered food from the cafe which they sent into the cinema for them. It was very amusing watching them stuggle to eat with utensils.

The movie was quite nice, though I find certain parts a little implausible: like how there's a difference in some being pushed off, thrown off, jumping off and falling off a building. Something about a force being exerted on an object, like the Sindee Neo death. Oh well, non-physics students aren't meant to understand physics.

School has finally ended (: but I still have to go back tomorrow and some other days for remdials. Oh well. At least I don't have to wake up super early at 545 anymore (:

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