Monday, December 19, 2005

I just saw Angeline's lj entry and reading it made me realise how lucky I was to have my friends (:

Ange: I still remember you screaming and grabbing onto me when a big ass atlas moth flew into 1t, those were the days eh?
Ianthe: You ate my camera!
Stephanie: Remember how we couldn't stop groaning when Ianthe couldn't get 'Fe' and her 'one meeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeellion dollars!'
Victor: Thanks for always encouraging me when I was down (:
IAN: Actually I have no idea what to say to you >.<>
Suat: Thanks for listening to all my nonsense and those super cheem chem notes
Zhi Wai: Hang in there and don't go beserk again! Think DANIEL
Marina (though she won't read this): Ah I can't imagine you being gone after 2 years of pure unadultered nonsense. Half hist won't be the same anymore.

And if you're not here, I guess it means I don't really know what else to say but thanks for being my friend (:

Oh and before I forget, here's a totally unabashed plug for the
new quiz i did with Ianthe today (we were both bored) check out the 'other results' tab for more hilarity when you're done (:

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