Thursday, December 22, 2005

Yay, today was a very fun day (and a very tiring one too). It was fun ice skating again after not skating for 2 years thought it took me a long time to gain confidence enough to skate at anything other than an abysmally slow rate.

I fell down 4 times in total! 3 of the times were very dumb :/ and they happened near the end of the skating session. Once I was about to collide into someone and froze while I was still gliding on the ice and went right for the sides of the rink. I hit the wall and managed to grab on but for some reason when Jeanette and Ian came over to check on me I fell down while holding onto the wall >.<

Later I was skating with Martha when I lost my balance and went careening right for the sides - except there was this big group of guys hanging on to that section of the wall. I tried to change direction and went off course a little bit and ended up slamming into the wall and I held on trying to stand up straight... and then I fell down again while holding onto the wall. The guys were pretty shocked and I think I grabbed one of them while trying to slow down or something >.<>

The last fall was when some kid cut in front of me at the end of the rink with those orange cones (a section was set apart for ice skating classes) and I had to swerve suddenly and fell forwand landing on my knees. I was laughing too as Joel helped me up.

It was very fun overall and I got some exercise after leading a sedentary lifestyle for dunno how long. Going out again tomorrow to watch KING KONG (:

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