Sunday, December 04, 2005

Things to do:
1. Pg 48 and 53 of E Math TYS
2. Practice algebra by myself
3. Finish all 3 proses AND send them off to Miss Bong ASAP (already 4 days late!)
4. Buy christmas gifts(half the list done!)
5. Write letter to Lauren
6. Finish letters for 35 and 40
7. Read War & Peace

7 things to do for the next 7 days. Must start studying! Gahhhh. I hope my mind is up to it, for the past few weeks i've been lazing about doing hardly any mentally stimulating work (apart from trying to decipher Mein Kampf) and I bet my IQ is now 80 or something >.<

I don't want to do lit :(

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