Monday, June 06, 2011

I feel free

After talking to Hadi on skype, I started walking about half packing and half studying, now that my boxes for moving out had arrived. When 7pm rolled about I decided to go out and get some food from Kung Food, but instead decided on the spur of the moment go try the weird Chinese buffet thing I had seen down Leather Lane. As I was walking back, I swore I heard the cyclers gathered outside the cycling shop making fun of me for getting Chinese takeout, and I started to feel annoyed. Somehow as I passed by the Holborn Wine Bargins, I decided to turn in and see if they had any Crabbie's. As to why I did that I did not know.

When I came home I opened the beer and started drinking immediately. Took a picture of what could very well be my last real meal in this flat for posterity and sat down in front of my computer. It was then I realised what I felt, I felt free. I felt free because last time part of my behaviour used to be motivated by peer pressure. Imagine Zoe's face if she had come home and seen me not studying and drinking beer days before I have an exam. She'd be aghast.

Thus it transpires that I decided to celebrate my freedom from anything whatsoever by being totally irresponsible. Hmm.

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