Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Murder on the Orient Express

I have taken to waking up around 2:30am again, now that I'm back home and the sleeping draught (oho, a Christie word!) has worn off. I must say while waking up at that time when I was back 3 months ago sent me into a frenzy, now I am rather sanguine about it. I just polished off Agatha Christie's Murder on the Orient Express, which was highly enjoyable but definitely less satisfying than And Then There Were None.

As I went to use the bathroom, I saw a medium sized cockroach peer at me from my brother's towel which was hung on the rack. URGH. Nothing says 'welcome home' like disgusting bugs, which seem to live mainly in warm tropical areas. I quickly went back to my room, since I didn't know what else to do. I hope it's still not there, if I have to go out again later. That and I need to see that the towel is tossed into the laundry hamper before it's actually used on his person.

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