Wednesday, May 30, 2012


It's less than 48 hours till my LAST EXAM of my UNDERGRADUATE STUDIES. Holy cow. I'd be all reflective and shit if it didn't cause me so much distress - it being a paper from a different department with different nuanced requirements and all that. Thank God for Joaquin, who as Jia terms it is like a 'comfort blanket'.

Meanwhile London's become a holy hell blaze of heat. Last week I went out and bought 2 fans. One for my room and one for Joaquin's room. I couldn't sleep/function otherwise. As it was, I barely spent any time at home and opted to roam about in school working. As a result, my skin has turned into an utter bitch and my itchy eczema has returned in full force and I feel like I'm scratching myself to death. Even worse, the little patch that formed over winter has quadrupled in size and gone all gross. It was formed in a funny/nerdy way too. Basically when I read in bed at night, and lay on my right side, the spine of an average novel would always rest on the same spot. After a while, a dry/inflamed skin patch appeared, but at least it was amusing then. Now come Summer it's like a Goddamned torture device.

That picture made me burst out laughing when I saw it online.

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