Tuesday, August 01, 2006

Hello. My mind's a little muddled now so I decided to sneak online and type an entry. Today's entry is called "Of human nature and ants".

I don't know about all of you but I suffer from a relatively low self esteem and hence walk with my head slightly bowed. This manner in which I walk in allows me to closely scrutinise the floor, especially the one in school, from tiles to filthy carpets. Today I was walking to the canteen for my morning breakfast when I spotted a long line of ants, width of about 5 cm (not exaggerating!) leading from the inside of the canteen, along the walkway, to the grass patch outside the canteen.

I was really taken aback because never before had I seen so many ants! My curiosity piqued, I did a slight hop over the line and peeked around the corner, to see what the ants were up to. Sitting daintily on the ledge (inside the canteen) was a plate of fried char kway teow, completely untouched by human mouths but now being taken apart by the aforementioned ants. In line with my destructive and mean tendencies, I lifted my right foot and stomped in the middle of the line, killing the ants that lay underfoot and scaring the shit out of the other ants. It's fun watching them panic.

Quota of mischief used up, I left the now frantic ants to their devices and went into the canteen for my brekkie.

As I sat at the table I continued to watch the girls coming from the MEP block to the canteen and almost 90% of them walked with literally, their noses in the air (note that I associate this with a high self esteem). This also meant that they didn't see the ants (which would have resumed their suicidal feast after they calmed down). Stomp stomp stomp. Hello ant pate! Many good ants were lost today.

This entry is quite nonsensical. I hope I do well for the pre-lims.

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