Sunday, August 06, 2006

Hello. The pre-lims officially start tomorrow. Tomorrow is English 1 and 2 followed by Math 1 and the wonderful Social Studies on Friday. Somehow it feels like I still have alot of time to prepare, but my goodness, the pre-lins start tomorrow! I feel half stressed out like hell, yet half indifferent at times :/ However the stressed out part seems to be dominating and sometimes I really just feel like bursting into tears, especially when I get back a piece of work with bad marks (especially that damned EOP essay. I can't decide if I want to burn that up yet or bury it somewhere).

Still I have to keep perservering :/ My goodness, I can't believe I still have 4 months+ of constant stress left to go :/ I am
thisclose to snapping soon even though I appear alright in person. Sigh. I should really go do more math now instead of slacking :/ Bye, at least till the Math pre-lims are over.

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