Wednesday, February 21, 2007

Today in the midst of photocopying a huge pile of stuff, I was called away to do commissioning. Commissioning is basically accompanying a client to a commissioner of oaths in another law firm.

I was already in a bad mood because of a mess someone had created for me and my calve muscles ached from standing in front of the photocopier for eons. Being called away in the midst of doing a task only made my mood worse.

This time I had a relatively large group of four men, all family members. Anyway I brought them to the nearest free commissioner, which was in the next building. During the commissioning the commissioner of oaths asked me if I wanted the document to be dated, I said I had no idea and wasn't told. Then he told me to call the lawyer in charge and ask.

Problem number one: I didn't know the number of the law firm.

"Um, I don't know the number." Then one of the men went 'Durrrr'. Like he seriously made that sound. WTF!?!

Then he gave me the card and the commissioner gave me his phone to call.

Problem number two: I didn't know how to use the phone. In the end I randomly pressed a button and managed to dial the number.

Problem number three: I had dialed the fax number instead and on the other line all I heard was the distinctive high pitched whine of the fax. I burst out laughing and the commissioner finally decided to call himself with his handphone.

Wah I tell you, it was so embarrassing. Luckily the other men around didn't know about number 2 and 3, but still it was bad enough. Blah.


On the MRT train to Orchard (to meet my mum to go home), I saw this couple that really annoyed the hell out of me. The girlfriend had that kind of bitchy face and the boyfriend looked really dumb. Like wow! The ultimate needs to be darwinised couple. Usually I keep such evil comments to myself, but these two managed to annoy me in the short one train stop I encountered them.

For starters the first thing I noticed when they boarded was that the girl was holding the guys hand. No I don't mean holding hands, I mean literally clamped around the guy's wrist like she was dragging him along like a rag doll. DUHHH.

Then as they stood near the door, they started checking themselves out in the reflection on the glass doors. Not subtly too, really obviously checking themselves off. As if that wasn't enough, before the guy boarded the train I saw him checking himself out as the train passed by him before the doors opened to let the waste of space board. Double DUHHH.

Yes I am very judgmental.

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