Sunday, September 16, 2007

I had just finished lunch and was sitting around the dining room and finishing up the rest of the paper I was reading when my dad called me from the computer table, in the living room.

"Hey look! You're not as useless as I say you are"

I went over and he merrily showed me this website: Yes you got that right, it's MARRY OUR DAUGHTER, a glorified matchmaking site.

Imagine my wtf meter as I saw advertisements like:and...

There was one selling for $3,995 too.

Okay, now would be a good time to declare that I have lost 99% of faith in mankind of the already 75% lost years ago.

To my relief however when I googled it on my laptop later, I found out it was a hoax, and a really good one at that. I was just about to launch into some pro-individualist, pro-feminist spiel and condemn all men to the depths of hell for even thinking of engaging is such business - but as I said it was a hoax. A thought provoking one at that, since I imagine much of this rubbish still occurs in third world countries around the world.

Terribly really - and the fact that we need such websites in order to recall their still common occurrence around the world.

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