Wednesday, September 19, 2007

Whoosh. Haven't been able to blog coherently in a while other than random thoughts strung together.

In the morning as I was waiting for the bus to come, I was eating a banana and standing at my doorway, looking out at the road when suddenly a dragonfly flew in, perused by a winged black figure.

At first I thought it was a bird and was all 'OH NO' because I HATE flying stuff near me, I'm scared of them landing on me or something (long story from when I was a kid) and the fact it was going to be stuck in my living room. Things could only get more worse/interesting from here.

The fan was also switched on and before I know it there was a freaking bat being sucked around in circles which were getting smaller with each round. Fuck. Splatter bat is not how I wanted to start my day. By this time I had ran towards the kitchen, away from the power switches, adrenalin coursing through my veins with every extra minute and freaking out at WINGED FLYING CREATURE.

After staring at it for about 1-2 minutes, my mind shouting "DO SOMETHING THE BUS WILL BE HERE SOON!", I dashed across the living room and switched off the fan and ran out of the house with my bag. I never did see the bat fly out, but when my dad came down 1-2 minutes after I ran out of the living room, he said he didn't see a bat anywhere. Hmm.

Chapel was by Truth Ministry in the Boarding School Dining Hall and we had to sit on the floor again. Really inconvenient for the girls given how tight and short the skirts are.

Anyhoo, the sermon was massive fail. It started off well enough, then MR failed and the music video, which was revealed to be Linkin Park's Numb didn't play. The topic was 'Hear No Evil'.

The sermon came across as being ill informed, bigoted and badly done overall. For instance Linkin Park was given as a negative example because it supposedly 'numbed' teenagers to God given life. Hello dearies, you have not seen anything yet - Hawthorn Heights anyone? (thanks to Nic)

So cut my wrists and black my eyes.
My final breath is gone
So I can fall asleep tonight"
- Ohio is for Lovers

Now see, that is negative. And that's just emo, I thought they were going to talk about rap music's obsession with sex and money, heavy metal bands rocking about rape (I swear I saw some band with Inter-(something) as a name and Turned Off By the Vaginal Stink on someone's, to the plain satanic. Why. Linkin. Park. Fail example, really laughable. Even Marilyn Manson who is just weird but perceived to be satanic is a better example.

Not only that, the lady went on to talk about her friend's daughter who read 'dark books' and later committed suicide. Now see, wtf dark books? Depending on your stance, The Anarchist's Handbook is a dark book, Harry Potter and LOTR too! And she blames the books for the suicide, if you're making such a devastating claim, tell us what titles the books are to substantiate your argument! (And I just realised this has nothing to do with Hearing at all.)

Then there was the most wtf analogy I ever heard, good and bad as a black dog and a white dog. "Feed only the white dog because it is good! Black dog is bad." Talk about having racist undertones.

Good intentions, but one of the most naive and stereotype-of-a-Christian (the speaker) sermons I have ever heard. If you're so passionate about it, please go do your research and think about your audience, at 17 you're already educated enough to be cynical - much less my school where you have to be cynical in order to survive.

Blogging should be less now, exams start on the 1st October, less than 2 weeks away! Eeep.

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