Friday, March 03, 2006

Hello. I've had a marvellously deranged week; if it's not 10,000 school probems it's 10,000 personal problems, i'm not sure which is worse or more insanely amusing.

Because this is a public blog, I can't say everything I want to, unfortunately.

Anyhow Ianthe and I walked home today from school, we stopped at the small casurina grove behind school and picked up lots of punk, and we got ALOT of stares from passing motorists which included this MacDonald's delivery guy and we talked about alot of inane stuff (:

Then we crossed the open field and we (or rather I) started to recite lame poems and sing lame songs :D I felt so free and happy for that moment and we went around, mucking through long grass, 'desolate' deserts, treacherous swamps and well, one longkang.

I got to play with Ianthie's dog (so cute!) and my dad picked me up from her house around 4:00PM (:

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