Monday, September 04, 2006

Today Steve Irwin died. I was never a big fan of the crazy dude, but when I found out, I was shocked. It seemed like given the tracklist of the fella, he'd NEVER die or something. Led a charmed life. Either way Atropos decided to cut that charmed thread and well, we have dead Steve Irwin. Okay. I get it. He's dead.

Anyway the point of this post is that lots of people on MSN have been putting up the turtle emoticon, presumably to
mourn dear ole Stevie baby. What?!

Earlier this year, some guy in the Sinagpore govenment died. The girls raising the flag during assembly had to do half-mast and all that. The fact that I don't remember his name at all is really sad, sadder when compared to the fact that he did so much for Singapore, but nooo, no teenagers mourned him. Now we have a dead self proclaimed crocodile hunters and suddenly everyone has gone all turtle. Right.

Anyway I now present the ANTI-TURTLE league Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting for anyone and everyone who detests such strange hypocrisy and false mourning. Alternatively you can use the 'sheep' (bah) emoticon on MSN to show your anti-turtle support! Since he was Australian, the sheep emoticon makes more sense than a turtle. The only similarity a turtle has to Steve Irwin was that crocodiles were like, green too -.-

This is not an anti-Steve Irwin league, nor making fun of a dead man, but simply to rebel and protest against the shameless pretension of these people! Down with unthinking minions! Join the ANTI-TURTLE league Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting today!

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