Tuesday, March 06, 2007

I got into ACSI for the IB programme!

I went to work today in the morning after I found out that I didn't need to appeal or anything and around 11am, the call came from Mr Namazie who said he didn't need me to be present at the talk because they have someone at the International Waqf (or Wakaf) Conference who would operate the powerpoint.

However today was still an exciting day! Around 11:50am in the morning, just as I was skipping back to my desk from the EFS area, I noticed the ceiling boards were creaking up and down, making a lot of noise. Initially I thought it was a strong gust of wind, and as I leaned against my desk, I felt the ground swaying back and forth. Then Alia came out from her room and went "Did you feel that?" as the ground continued to sway some more. Outside in the main room, everyone had stopped their work and people had come out of their rooms to investigate, almost 75% of people saying they has earlier thought that they were going to faint. LOL.

About 10 mins later after we had all returned to our desks, Hussein came in from the reception and said that we were all to be evacuated from the building O.O he also said we weren't allowed to use the lifts but after he left a few of us from the office used the lifts anyway.

Downstairs was quite messy as neighbouring buildings were evacuated as well with people milling about and my uncle told everyone to go for lunch instead of standing around aimlessly. He brought the other intern and I to Smiling Orchard to eat. The most funny part about eating that was that there was this woman there who kept shouting out "This building is safe! Our piling goes down 100m!" repeatedly.

I was rather lightheaded and giddy after being in the swaying building so instead of fully utilising the extended lunch hour, the 3 of us returned to the office.

Around 1:50pm, I was at Yati's desk playing pinball when the next tremors came. This time round the ground swayed even more, but the ceiling boards made less noise. It was so bad this time that an already queasy Alia stumbled out of her office and literally squatted on the floor and the other intern, also got of of her seat and sat on the floor. I somehow managed to ignore the tremors and got a high score for my pinball game amidst the swaying, thought I died really fast after the tremors started. The tremors this time lasted for a longer period of time.

This time Mr Tan got out of his office and told everyone to evacuate immediately and again we all cheated and took the lift down, taking down a stack of documents we were supposed to serve on another law firm nearby. Instead of waiting around, Mr Tan drove a few of us to the office of Lim & Lim at China Square, which is nearby Robinson Road where our law firm was located. There, the staff all said they didn't feel anything and there was no evacuation or anything.

When we got back around 3:15pm, people were still milling about the entrance and the security guards told me there were engineers inspecting the building and no one was allowed in O.O it was only around 3:50pm that everyone was allowed into the building and I saw a team of engineers from the SCDF outside the building.

Back in the office I checked the news and it said another earthquake had stuck Sumatra, this time measuring 6.1 on the Richter scale. The earlier one, which I had checked on during lunch was 6.6 on the Richter scale.

Okay I totally apologise because this thing is so badly written, but I still feel woozy from all the swaying and my mind isn't quite there, like I have an air pocket in my forebrain or something.

I feel sad to leave the office :/ I was there for 11 weeks! That's even longer than the pae people have been attending school. Everyone in the staff says they'll miss me too, and miss all the noise I make! Hahaha. But I'll be back! Wooooo.

Anyway tomorrow is the first day of school! Ack. I feel really scared. Going to Petrina's house tomorrow morning to hitch a ride with her, so I won't feel so leceh tomorrow.

I feel like I am floating now and when I close my eyes I feel the ground sway. It can't imagine actually experiencing a full blown earthquake.

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