Thursday, October 15, 2009

My Roommates are out, so I can blast music :D

I did the sums mentally in my head today as I was stirring the Spaghetti boiling in the sauce pan:

Dolmio Bolognese Sauce from Sainsburys: 1.89 pounds
Minced raw beef from Waitrose: 1.68 pounds (was on special, usually 1.99)
Sainsburys Basics Spaghetti: 48p
Random Tomato I had about: 25p
Random Spices borrowed from Zoe: free
Total: 4.30 pounds
Number of servings: 6
Cost per serving: 72p

Normal cost of cold sandwich outside: 2 pounds
Times I need to eat spaghetti bolognese to make it worth my time: 3

So I just need to eat the spaghetti one more time (tomorrow's lunch) to get my investment back, plus I managed to feed 3 other people.

I am a happy girl.

1 comment:

Trebuchet said...

YES that's the way to cook. That's the way we learn to survive. That's where I learnt that random meat and random spices plus random tomatoes and onions and garlic, eaten with random carbs, will make you a happy person 11 times out of 12 — the 12th time being the one where your random stuff is randomly bad... :D