Monday, May 23, 2011

Lipton Mango Tea

Monday afternoon and I find myself in the LSE 4th Floor canteen again, nursing a headache D: I think it's because for lunch I sat in Lincoln's Inn Field with Deborah SL and got my brain cells fried from excessive UV radiation or something. Still it's nice out today, a comfortable temperature, save the occasional gusts of cold wind.

Yesterday was a tasty day. For lunch after church, Shu and I went to get takeaway from Hare and Tortoise. I had tempura udon with maguro tataki as a side (small portion, but oh so sexy tasting). On our way back however we were blocked from returning to her place because the scaffolding off a building around the other side of her block had fallen, on Southampton Row to be precise. As a result the police were blocking people from entering, lest the scaffolding collapse more. Just as we turned the corner to leave, a random Korean girl came out, saw the police cars and blocked off road and went OOOOH in a very Korean accent. We ran off giggling because it was so stereotypical, heh.

For dinner last night I cooked Bak Kut Teh, and as a result was completely distracted from studying because of the extremely alluring smell that permeated the entire apartment. I ended up sipping some of the hot soup while it was cooking and burning my tongue a little.

Tonight I'm going to meet Elliot and Cielo at Goldmine in Bayswater. I'm told the duck there is very good but er, I don't eat duck. We'll see.

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