Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Random Ramblings: July 2011 Edition

Yesterday I realised as I was looking around the pharmacy that I was really really not prepared to be a mother. This thought occurred to me as I was in the condom/baby stuff/pregnancy test/eye wash (eye wash?!) aisle, and there was a cute teddy bear for sale that I was drawn to. If I'm still at an age where I am drawn to cute stuffed toys, I am not yet old enough to be a mother. This is because it dawned on me then, that I might fight with my baby for possession of the cutest stuffed toys to hug. Ergo, I am not old enough to be a mother.

I was originally going to call this entry Thosai, after celebrating the fact that I found out I was not carrying a little R Daniel Narang on my person (it'd be a 1/4 Indian baby come to think of it) by devouring a Thosai from a Komala Vilas branch at Tanglin Shopping Mall after pottery class. I don't think I've ever enjoyed eating with my hands so much before. I was originally going to eat my Thosai with utensils, and even took some from the counter. I ended up using my clay-powdery fingers to attack the Thosai. It was immensely satisfying. On another note: I do wonder how much clay I ingested as a result of my enthusiasm.


I was going to also perhaps call this entry Postcard. I am sending postcards again, with the most beautiful non-touristy ones from Cat Socrates in Bras Bersah. As hipster as that place is, walking in really makes me feel happy and calm with happy-hipster-vibes. I was there on Monday, running errands and returning to costumes Ianthe and I borrowed for her birthday celebrations on Saturday. I ended up eating at KFC and having a tasty Zinger burger by myself. I noted that all the pictures and names used in the current KFC advertising/interior design campaign were all Caucasian.

And then there is this:

The postcards I went to send off to ones away from me.

And the middle one: an ode to Dr S-'s rhotacism, which I have fallen in love with. I would sit in lectures and listen to the lull of his voice, and smile to myself. Weally, weally, he'd say, instead of really, really. And then because he's German when he tried to say Jewelry he'd say Jewry and I'd think of those old-school Nazi era racist math questions, and giggle to myself (offense, totally not intended, I just posses a healthy sense of irony and inappropriateness). Bureaucracy'd turn into buwocwacy and the like. His speech reminded me of Elmer Fudd. Nonetheless, I fell for his speech impediment, which I found utterly adorable.

His postcard is of a person floating in a parachute.

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